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Combining  Biotechnology  and  Chemistry

Girindus operates biotechnological and chemical facilities on the same site, thus offering unique possibilities for production of both, chemical and biological compounds.

Microbial Fermentation Services
Girindus performs fermentations from lab scale up to commercial quantities including downstream
processing. Our laboratories are designed to work with genetically modified micro-organisms up to biosafety level 2 (S2) and our fermentation plant with GMOs of S1. Girindus provides development, optimization and scale-up of fermentation processes with the goal to generate a robust process suitable for commercial supply of enzymes, biomass and small molecules.

Girindus offers an integrated service to support biocatalysis based processes. Our fermentation
capabilities allow us to produce technical enzymes from gram scale up to tons. At our cGMP chemical facility we run complex multi step synthesis including enzyme catalyzed reactions
up to multi tons.

Large Scale Fermentation and Work-Up of Enzyme Solution
Girindus is specialized in production of recombinant enzymes by E.coli using High-Cell-Density fermentation technology. Work-up includes removal of cell debris, foreign proteins and nucleic acid
producing enzyme solution of different grades.

  • Combination of biotechnological and chemical processes

  • Process development, optimization and scale-up

  • Commercial production of enzymes, intermediates and APIs

  • Bioreactors: 15 L, 30 L, 800 L and 10,000 L

  • Homogenization: up to 1,000 bar

  • Large scale separation and ultra filtration

  • Multi step chemistry up to 5,000 L under cGMP

    • Please find detailed information on our biotechnology capabilites in the attached PDF file:

      • Biotechnology - Custom Fermentation and Biocatalysis
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    "Micro-organisms function as mini-factories."

    Laboratory fermentation unit