Girindus AG
Buchenallee 20
51427 Bergisch Gladbach
Telefon: +49 2204 926 900
Telefax: +49 2204 926 990
Management board represented by: Fritz Link (CEO)
Register court: Amtsgericht Köln
Register Number: HRB 47291
Sales tax identification number: DE 812601482
Design and production
webfactory GmbH, Bonn
Content Management System
wfDynamic 2.0
The information contained on this Web site does not constitute an offer for the sale of securities nor a solicitation to purchase securities. You should obtain comprehensive information before deciding to invest in shares of the company. This Web site does not claim to contain all key information for an analysis of Girindus shares.
Although the Girindus AG Web site has been carefully checked, Girindus AG cannot guarantee that the information provided is complete, accurate and up to date in each case. This also applies in particular to all direct and indirect links to which these Web pages refer. Girindus AG is not responsible for the content of other Web sites that can be accessed using these links.
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The information provided is not a prospectus within the meaning of the Wertpapier-Verkaufsprospektgesetz (German Securities Offering Prospectus Act) or the Börsengesetz (German Stock Exchange Act), nor is it a prospectus within the meaning of the relevant provisions of other legal systems. The relevant prospectus for the issue of shares in May 2000 has been published and is available from the company and the underwriting banks.
The purchase of shares involves risk; with regard to company-specific risks as of May 2000, reference is made in particular to the Preliminary Offering Prospectus / Offering Prospectus.
Girindus AG reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without prior announcement. Girindus AG cannot accept any liability for direct or indirect damage, including profit lost, as a result of or otherwise in relation to information provided on this Web site.
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