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Girindus  has  received  "Product  Differentiation  Award  2004"

27.09.04 —

Bensberg, Germany - Girindus AG - listed in the Prime Segment of the German Stock Exchange –focused on process development and manufacturing of drug actives for the worldwide pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, is the 2004 recipient of the Frost & Sullivan “Product Differentiation Award” for its innovative developments in the commercial production of oligonucleotides.

The consulting firm Frost & Sullivan selected Girindus after conducting an extensive industry-wide survey of oligonucleotide manufacturers. The award citation stated that Girindus, a worldwide market leader in the manufacture of therapeutic oligonucleotides, holds a leading position on the basis of both its conventional solid-phase production methods and its recently-developed one-of-a-kind solution-phase process.

“The recognition of our accomplishments in the manufacture of therapeutic oligonucleotides makes us very proud,” commented Fritz Link, CEO of Girindus AG. He added: “For the first time, our innovative solution-phase process has gained full market recognition in addition to our solid-phase production.”

In the recently published analysis of its market research study, Frost & Sullivan attested that Girindus now has an enormous sales potential as a result of this product differentiation strategy.

Every year Frost & Sullivan confers its “Product Differentiation Award” on a company whose corporate strategy and innovation give it a decisive edge over its competitors and whose differentiation strategies have had an impact on the maturation of the individual markets.



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